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Knox Box

A Knox Box allows our fire company to quickly gain access to your property in an emergency.

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The mission of the Pocomoke City Fire Company is to protect the lives and property of Pocomoke City and its surrounding area, through emergency response, education, and prevention.

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Motor vehicle accident with Hazmat
Saturday, November 13, 2021

The PCVFC responded to a motor vehicle accident with the report of a semi truck jackknifed across North Bound Rt 13 near Old Virginia Road. Units arrived, confirmed the report, and requested the Worcester County Specail Hazards Response Team respond to the scene for a diesel fuel spill from the accident. While waiting for the Response Team to arrive, Pocomoke Fire units contained the leaking diesel fuel and spread absorbent material across the roadway to clean excess diesel spilled during the collision. The Hazards Responce Team, with the assistance of Pocomoke Fire Units, pumped off over 90 gallons of diesel from the tractor and trailer fuel tanks and the containment pool created by Pocomoke Fire units. The scene was turned over to the Maryland State Highway Administration. North Bound Rt13 was closed for multiple hours for cleanup.

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