Community Center

Company Events

Sat, Mar 22, 2025

Annual Cash Bash

Tue, Mar 25, 2025

Jacob A. Howser LODD


Help us to continue making a difference in the Pocomoke community by making a tax deductible donation to Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Co.


Knox Box

A Knox Box allows our fire company to quickly gain access to your property in an emergency.

Our Mission

The mission of the Pocomoke City Fire Company is to protect the lives and property of Pocomoke City and its surrounding area, through emergency response, education, and prevention.

Join Us

Why Join?

If you've ever seen a fire engine responding to a call, you may have wondered what it's like to fight a fire. Maybe you've come upon a car wreck and wished there was a way you could help. You could just be looking for a way to give back to your neighbors and join an organization with strong friendships forged through community service. If any of that sounds like you, read on.

People join our fire company for different reasons. It could be the adrenaline rush that responding to an emergency has to offer. Many like the feeling of helping people in their time of need or feel an obligation to give back to their community. Whatever motivates you to volunteer, everyone gains the self-satisfaction of being there to help someone out on what may be the worst day of their life.

Firefighting may not be for everyone, but volunteering in our organization can be. There is plenty of work to be done in support of our mission, including administrative roles and fundraising functions. Volunteering in emergency services is one of the most important decisions you may ever make. We hope that you take the time to consider what it means to join our organization and take the leap by applying for membership.

Benefits of Membership

Scholarship & Tuition Reimbursements

  • Many training courses are eligible for college credit with Maryland Fire-Rescue Institute (MFRI).
  • Active members who enroll in Fire Science or EMS curriculums are eligible for tuition reimbursement from the MSFA State Scholarship Board.
  • The Maryland State Firemen's Association (MSFA) offers scholarships to Maryland’s colleges & universities.

Length of Service Awards (LOSAP)

  • Many jurisdictions in Maryland, including Worcester County, offer LOSAP programs where volunteers are paid a monthly cash award after serving a target number of years.

Income Tax Deductions

  • Maryland allows active volunteers a $7,500 income subtraction on their Maryland Tax Return for meeting local eligibility requirements.

Mileage Deductions

  • Volunteers are allowed to deduct mileage expenses on both Federal and State income tax returns for documented participation.

Clothing & Equipment Distribution

  • The company issues dress uniforms, equipment & fire gear is issued at no cost to the member

Training to State/National Standards

  • All training is offered at no or nominal cost - from new recruits to Paramedics to Fire/Rescue Chiefs. Training is often transferrable and applicable to a career in fire or EMS service.

Professional Development

  • From initial recruit training through advanced courses, all provide valuable education and experience for a career in any chosen field, be it emergency services or another professional vocation.

College Credits

  • Many fire and rescue courses offered to volunteers through their local training academy or through the MFRI qualify for college credits.

High School Programs

  • Many County school systems offer students the opportunity to train as cadets, working in a fire/rescue station with experienced firefighters and medics during school hours.
  • The county’s programs allow a high school senior enrolled in our cadet program to potentially graduate with college credits through MFRI.

Banquets & Awards Programs

  • We honor our volunteers during an annual banquet & awards program, recognizing length of service milestones, acts of valor, and outstanding service.
  • Counties and municipalities also often acknowledge acts of valor, outstanding members, and service “above and beyond” the call of duty and sometimes through local Chambers of Commerce, Kiwanis & Lions Clubs.

Government/Business Discounts

  • Several businesses offer volunteer fire & rescue workers sizable discounts on food, merchandise, and other professional services.

Insurance & Workers Compensation

  • Members of the fire company are covered by workers' compensation through Worcester County

Vehicle License Tags

  • Specialty MSFA or PCVFC organization license plates are available to active members.

Intangible Benefits

  • Friendship, Fellowship, Family, Leadership, Teamwork, Accountability
  • The opportunity to do meaningful work while giving back to the community.

Much of the benefits information was compiled by the Maryland State Fireman's Association at and modified for applicability to our fire company.

Applications are available for download at the bottom of the page. 

Types of Membership


  • As a firefighter, you will train to handle a wide range of emergencies. Car wrecks, building fires, and medical assist calls are all a part of what we do. If you think that's exciting, apply today. If you're interested in fireground leadership, you can enroll in officer training and apply for a position in our line officer ranks during annual elections. Requirements for firefighters include attending monthly training, business meetings, and of course -- responding to emergencies when called.


  • Our company has many administrative and fundraising support roles for the fire company's business, as we are a 501c3 organization. From accounting, secretarial, information technology, public relations, building maintenance, and more -- there's much to do to keep the organization going. Currently, administrative roles in our fire company require active membership as a firefighter.


  • Our Auxiliary serves as support for the firefighting arm of our organization. Contributing a significant level of fundraising, the Auxiliary often caters events in our Community Center and supports other fire company fundraising activities such as fundraisers and Community Dinners. Auxiliary members often respond during large emergency incidents to provide much-needed water and food to keep crews going.


  • Our cadet program allows youth in our community to join the fire service to expand their knowledge and learn life lessons. Cadets are eligible to attend fire and EMS classes through the Maryland Fire-Rescue Institute (MFRI), but they are not required. When offered, cadets can also take fire and EMS classes at Worcester Technical High School through a joint program with MFRI.  

Membership Requirements

Firefighters (including Administrative roles)

  • At least 18 years of age for full membership.
  • No training required to join the company.
  • Complete application to include a full criminal background check.
  • Completion of basic firefighter training during probationary year.
  • Attendance at monthly meetings, drills, and occasional special events.
  • Response to a minimum amount of emergency incidents over the course of a year.


  • Contact us for more information -- you don't have to be a firefighter to serve.


  • At least 16 years of age
  • Must be a freshman or above
  • Must have and maintain a C+ average

Any person applying for membership to the PCVFC must currently reside within the company’s first-due response area. The PCVFC territory roughly includes areas such as the Maryland-Virginia Line to Rehoboth Road, Route 113 up to Blades Road, Cedar Hall Boat Ramp, Dividing Creek Road up to Scotty Road, and Wildwood Trail. Somerset County includes multiple areas, such as parts of Rehoboth and the surrounding areas.


Contact Us